Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • How to get the most out of this workshop.

  • 2

    Introduction to Dialgoflow

    • What is Dialogflow

    • Dialogflow Basics: Intents, Entities, Context, Events & Fulfillment

    • 4 Questions Quiz

  • 3

    Starting your Bot Project with Dialogflow

    • Before we begin...

    • Setting up your Dialogflow Project

    • Bot Profile

    • Data & Analytics for you Bot

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Building out & Customizing your Bot

    • How this Section is Formated

    • Live Walkthrough: Setting Up Google Assistant with Follow Up Intents & Slots

    • Slot Filling

    • Response Types: Text, Cards, Carousel, Custom Payload

    • Add Documents to Knowledge Base

    • Live Walkthrough: Turning Knowledge Base into Intents

    • Context & Follow-up Intents Deep Dive

    • Live Walkthrough: Troubleshooting 'Missing Owner Role' error.

    • Quiz

  • 5

    BONUS: Dialogflow Advanced Features

    • The Goal of this Section

    • Prompts & Advanced UI

    • Intro to Fulfillment

    • Personalized Fulfillment

    • Intro to Events

    • Events: Window Triggers

    • Connecting Live Chat

    • Multi Language Set Up

    • Intro to Webhooks

    • Webhooks

    • Debugging, Training & Validation

    • Dialogflow CX

    • Live Q&A

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Taking the next steps

    • Before you go...